Being aggressive is my true job?!
It is my infinite wish to be inspiring
for both deaf and hearing

My husband is a Nation Japan Deaf Golf team player.
I'm working as Athletes Food Meister, supporting athletes.

My Activities


With various works worldwide
without any boundaries

You might find my works have randomly done.
But it always comes from my motto, 'being inspiring for both deaf and hearings.

Normalisation? A bridge between deaf and hearings?

It is essential, yet I'd rather value for being active and passionate and improving myself every single day.

This official website is to introduce myself and my future.

enjoy!Yumi Sodeyama
(call me Yunmi!)

Is Yunmi an English teacher?

I opened the English school, introducing 'ASL (American Sign Language)'. ASL is the most common sign language among deaf all around the world.

'If Japanese deaf or deaf children can communicate internationally, it will be brilliant'...the school was started from this idea. It also stems from my hope for more international sign-language interpreters, hearings learnt ASL. The school is accessible online and cafes. We are 〈EYETH for ENGLISH〉.

  • Yunmi note
  • Eyeth for English

What is Yunmi's English school aiming for?

There are the meanings of the name of the school, 〈EYETH for ENGLISH〉, and description/details of it at a dedicated website. Although I am teaching ASL online, at cafe or university, I would love you to introduce 〈note〉which you can watch useful videos and writings for your quick learning. I am updating every day.

I love my students! My dream is to achieve their goals with ASL!
The future I see beyond that is to increase more teachers who uses ASL at schools for the deaf. I want the next generations to see how big the world I have encountered.

  1. What's the next step for
    the future of ASL?

    Alongside with teaching and interpreting, I am keen to produce ''English educational materials specifically for deaf''. Both ASL and international sign language are based on English. It is still important isn't it...English...

  2. What kind of activity
    do you do as an Athletes Food Meister?

    We have a several seminars with experts specialised in various areas. 'Eating' is where the athlete life starts from. 'Eating habits' is thus essential. The quality of sleep is affected by gastrointestinal functions of which quality is degraded by not enough chewing. We also suggest beneficial food that you can find at convenience store.
    There are my recipes of this and that on SNS, so please have a look!

    Any plans for the next as Athletes Food Meister?

    I would love to be invited to various kinds of events and to collaborate with someone! Anything inspiring me, I'll try. I am keen to produce events by myself! Oh and it would be exciting if I can have a fashion show even though it isn't to do with foods lol

  3. What are the supports for your husband as a national team player?

    Japan National is held in one place and world . I do, of course, support him as Athletes Food Meister! He used to have a small appetite and was prone to catch a cold easily... But I motivated him to be more aware of importance of meals and he achieved 10kg of weight gain of only muscle. This also leads to less likelihood to get injured or a cold.
    Since food additives are sometimes failed doping inspection, he always asks me before eating: 'can I have this?' lol

    My hubby's support page

    What's your philosophy of supporting your husband?

    I always hope my acts can encourage his search for sponsorships. I am appointed a secretariat of WDGF (World Deaf Golf Federation) for the world championship held in every two years is also one of the supports for him. *I also work for JDGF (Japanese Deaf Golf Federation) as secretariat in charge of overseas.

    I have been appointed as the secretary general of the World Deaf Golf Federation until 2026!

    • World Deaf Golf Federation1
    • World Deaf Golf Federation2
    • World Deaf Golf Federation3
  4. What about your promotional activity of hearing dogs?

    I currently don't have a hearing dog.
    However, I made an endeavour to make hearing dogs known to the public by publishing books about them. It is necessary to encourage more understandings because hearing dogs are more likely to be misunderstood by restaurants or shops than guide dogs.

    My hearing dog, Mina, is retired and I also hand over the baton to younger generations. Yet, as I strongly aspire to improve the social status of hearing dogs, I will talk about them a little bit here at the official website.

    Any plan for hearing dogs?

    I retired from working for hearing dogs, I recently welcomed a Hana. I published books and comics about Sammy, a hearing dog in the past. I am inspired to produce picture books about rescued dogs for the next opportunity!



Yumi Sodeyama

A pioneer of popularising ASL in Japan (established a style combining reading and writing), and its teacher.
Having a broad range of fans among deaf, deaf children and hearings, her activities attract wide attentions from NHK and other mediums. Committed to a number of writings and lectures. Even a Sign singer in recent years?!

An internationalist who is traveling the world together with her husband, a Nation Japan Deaf Golf team player, matching around the world. As a qualified Athletes Food Meister, she supports her husband in the respect of food and holds seminars about nourishment and health in various locations. By her briskness and cheerful presence, she has been inspiring the society.
She often says: 'It is hard to give an answer for ''who are you?''/ who I am. Because my job is to be myself, Yunmi lol'

Graduated Gallaudet University at Washington, D.C. for Spanish (BA) in May 2000.
Graduated San Francisco State University, Special Education for Deaf and Hard of Hearing program (MA) in January 2003.
Experienced in teaching kindergarten division of Wisconsin School for the Deaf. Other teaching experiences in the U.S.

What do you wanna challenge in the future, the powerful Yunmi?

Sign-language song lives, many of them! I'm also keen on exploring the world more and introducing comfortable places and people regardless of disabilities. I would love to read more books to be cultivated and share opinions with various people!

Other background,
work experience,
interpreting & teaching experience

  • Instructor of ASL (beginner, intermediate, and advanced) at Japan University of Social Work
  • Teaching ASL and English at Tokai University
  • Teaching Intermediate Japanese Sign Language at Tokyo Keizai University
  • ASL interpreter at Japan Foundation, Japan ASL Association, Japan Deaf Golf Association

    As other international works...
    〈Deaf Dialogue Japan Coordinator
    (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)〉
    〈World Deaf Golf Federation Acting Secretary〉



Global Collaboration & Request

  • Jam3は、カナダのオンタリオ州トロントに拠点を置く世界的に有名なデジタルデザインおよび制作会社です。Jam3は、世界中の先進的なブランドと提携しているデザインおよびエクスペリエンスエージェンシーです。


  • 世界のろう者のネットワークを持ち、それぞれのデフエキスパートを探し出して動画で発信。アメリカ各地でデフエキスポを主催。日本に来日したとき、同伴通訳とガイドを担当しました。



  • 『リラティオ』(チクサン出版)

    人と動物が“共に生きる” 特集サービスドッグとともに生きる社会づくり

  • 『リラティオ』(チクサン出版)

    人と動物が“共に生きる” 特集サービスドッグとともに生きる社会づくり

  • 『ペット倶楽部・東京版』


  • 『ペット倶楽部・東京版』


  • 『ペット倶楽部・東京版』


  • 『ペット倶楽部・東京版』


  • 『ペット倶楽部・東京版』


  • 『Dog World』


  • 『Dog World』


  • 『Dog World』


  • 『Dog World』


  • 『Dog World』


  • 『Dog World』


  • 『Dog World』


  • 『Dog World』


  • 『Dog World』


  • 『ケムケム』

  • 『佐賀新聞』

  • 『信濃毎日新聞』

  • 『愛の援聴週間新聞』

  • 『聴導犬を理解して』伊東新聞

  • 『アスリートフードマイスター』

  • 一般社団法人 補聴器販売店協会機関誌 フィッテング vol.37 No.3掲載


  • 『心の鏡』 (新風舎)

  • 『聾のゆんみがピーターウーマン・浦島花子になる』 (新風舎)

  • 『わたしは心を伝える犬 ゆんみの聴導犬サミー』 (ハート出版社)

  • 『ろうのゆんみがUSAでサランヘヨ』 (新風舎)

  • 『天使からの贈り物 ゆんみの聴導犬サミー』 (自費出版・漫画)

  • 『サミーに優しい台湾』(自費出版・漫画)


  • 『ファイナンシャル・アドバイザー誌』(近代セールス社)

    タイトル=『伝えるアイデア・感じる角度 ー障がいを持つ経営者のコミュニケーション新発想ー』







  • タイトル『食事で強い身体を作る』…多数開催
  • 練馬区小学校PTA連合協議会


  • タイトル『授業中に世界を変えよう!』
  • タイトル 『表情を豊かにするのもコミュニケーション』


  • 米子ファッションビジネス学園(鳥取県)にて高校生向け講義
    タイトル 『手話は誰の物?』
  • 懸樋工務店主催の講演会(鳥取・山陰酸素ショールームにて)
    タイトル 『表情を豊かにするのもコミュニケーション』




  • 『ろうを生きる 難聴を生きる』(NHK) 日本ろう者にとってのギャローデット大学留学体験者は語る

    『ろうを生きる 難聴を生きる』(NHK)楽しく身につく“目で聴く英語!

  • 『スピードゴルフオープン2020』(BSフジ)

  • 『APPLE STARS』 (台湾)
    『TVBS』 (台湾)
    『CT Today』 (台湾)
    『アジアン★エンタ』 (台湾)
    『YAM NEWS』 (台湾)


  • 『あたたかい心ありがとう』(東映教育映画・1988年)



  • (公財)日本ゴルフ協会
    (JGA:JAPAN GOLF ASSOCIATION)が運営しているJGA ゴルフ応援サイト「Golf is Good!」に掲載されました!

    click it



